Tuesday, December 14, 2010


Happy first birthday, Addie Grace!

I am amazed that one year has already passed us by. You have such an amazing addition to this family. Just some of the basic facts about you right now are:

-at your one year doctor visit: 23 lbs 11 oz, 30 inches long
- you wear a size 3 diaper
-you wear a size 3 shoe
-you wear 18 month clothing in most everything
-you meet Santa for the first time
-you meet your cousins Alatia and Olivia over Thanksgiving and had so much fun playing with them
-you celebrated your first Thanksgiving at 57th Fighter Group
-you SLEEP so well, two fabulous naps a day and sleep all night!!! Sometimes you will wake up at 6:30 am and we can give you a little TLC or milk and back to sleep you go (sometimes until 9:00 am- AWESOME)
-Happy, Happy, Happy, Happy is your disposition.
- you are crawling and exploring the world around you
-you will stand and hang on to a toy if we help you up
- you will pull up on your knees
-you love to get in the pantry and play in the kitchen
-you like to take the ornaments off the trees
-you are so IN LOVE with your brothers and they are so IN Love with you!!!
-your favorite food is CHICK FL A nuggets- you love chicken
-you love eggs
-you also like sweet tea- opps
- you drink a glass of water out of your straw sippy cup everyday
-we are introducing milk into your sippy cup
- you weaned from nursing on November 19- it was very easy for you
- you face forward in the car seat
-you love to watch Yo Gabba Gabba
-you love to watch baby einstein videos
- words you can say: hi, bye bye, mom, dad, dog, brothers ("bubbas"), one, two, light, touch, thank you

Monday, October 4, 2010


Ten months that is... Addie Grace is 10 months old! We are all amazed that she has been here for so much time or so little time in the world's time...but we cannot imagine life without here. She truly completes this family. The boys love her, she loves them and it just seems like we are so complete with her in this family!
What you up to these days:
Teething- you have 2 bottom teeth (they came in at 8 months)
Crawling- you moved in a crawl on 9/29/10- it's all on your terms

These just a few things we can think of about you! You wear a size three diaper. You are still nursing. -4 to 6 times a day! You are taking two long naps and two cat naps a day. You love to play with everyone: mom and dad brothers, friends at football, and Family! You are wearing 12 or 18 month clothing. Your feet are so tiny. We found out that you wear a two!!! That is the size a three to six month baby would wear! Too cute!! I found you in your crib trying to sit up in your own the other day. It won't be long! Time to start baby proofing the house.

Wednesday, September 29, 2010


Do you ever go through a day without something truly amazing you? I don't! Most days it's my kids and something they say or do- I am truly in awe of the things they know, how they deal with life's craziness and just how they survive in this world!! Like right now, Addie Grace is asleep in the backseat which we are at carpool! Just to think when she opens her eyes, her two MOST favorite people will be here! The love affair between them AMAZES me! I love how they love each other! It is a deep love that says no matter what you are my family and I will love you, support you, defend you, protect you, treasure you until the end of the earth!

I love constantly being amazed in life, it reminds me of how blessed I am and how I am truly in the most wonderful place! Also, fall is just about here and it amazes me each and every year how the world around uses changes! I am in awe of this world the Lord created for us to live in! Fall brings all the leaves changing, fall festivals, campouts, fires, cool mornings followed by beautiful days! Did I mentioned fall football? War Eagle and go GWA Dawgs is what you hear around my house!

Wednesday, August 25, 2010


Back to school, back to football, back to church, back to chaos!

The craziness has arrived. The boys went back to school in August and they have been playing football for the past month or so atleast 3-4 times a week! It has been so hot here- record setting hot!

Monday, July 26, 2010


WOW! It is already July and Addie Grace is 7 months old! Boy have we been busy around here. Let me start with just the daily activites and then we will get to her specifics!!
Each and every day- a must- BOYS SWIM!!! Now we can add Buddy (the lab) to the list of boy swimmers in the house! He loves the pool! If the gate is left open, he dives in for an afternoon swim. The boys are like fish! They can swim the length of the pool while holding their breathe, dive from every angle, do flips and just play and have a great time! They actually think that the swimming pool is a good reason to avoid the shower- not my idea of a bath!
The boys are playing FOOTBALL!!! They practice three times a week for 1.5 hours to 2 hours! Since they have taken on this crazy practice schedule we have put karate on the back burnner for a little while! They are really enjoying learning the ends and outs of football and they are really happy to see their friends. Of course, many pictures to follow!!!!
We have been running around like crazy this month trying to work in all the "fun" things they want to do before school starts. We took a day trip to Coca-Cola Factory in Atlanta, a day trip to Chattanooga, Bailey went and saw Phantom of the Opera, we have seen every kids movie that has come out this summer- (I like those- they are air conditioned), seen the laser show, played outside, played inside....just busy, busy, busy! I think the boys have had a great summer! We have even managed to work a little school stuff into the scheulde- summer reading, multiplication facts, and site words!

You might ask, "What has Addie Grace been up to while the boys have been so busy?"
Well, she is right there with them! She is so in love with her brothers! If they are not laughing and rolling around together- she has them by the hair kissing them on the mouth!!! It is precious to watch the three of them! We weighed her last Sunday
(7/25/10) and she weighed 20 lbs. 9.5 oz- PRECIOUS! It takes a lot of work to keep up that adorable figure!
*wearing size 3 diapers
*loves bathtime
*drinking/spilling water from your juice cup
*Eats 5-6 gerber size 2 Baby foods a day
*Favorite fruit: Pears and Bananas
*Favorite veggie: squash or peas
*LOVE BUG- you are constantly kissing on us all day long
*speaking 5 words- hey, hi, ma ma, da da, and bruba (brother)
*Sleeping: 2 awesome naps a day, 2-3 cat naps and PRAISE THE LORD- you are sleeping through the night or atleast 8-9 hours straight!!!!
*Nursing- you nurse about 5-6 times a day and you don't mind a quick visit in the middle of the night if you get hungary!
*You went to Grammy and Grandaddy's and took a nap over there- you slept in my baby bed that I had as a little girl (40 years old)
*You like to swim in the pool and you really like to play in your baby pool
*Favorite toy- probably something you can teeth on or the snail toy that rolls while you play with it.
*Favorite snuggy- your paci!!! You love having a paci in your hand and in your mouth (just like Bailey) but you like to have a stuffed animal beside you or under your arm- not showing any favoritism towards any one as of yet!!!!

It has been one crazy, fun summer and I am so blessed that this is my life! I could not ask for more!

Thursday, June 17, 2010

SIX months and counting!!!!

Just a few of your stats:
*19lbs 2.5 oz
*27 3/4 inches long
*2 great naps a day
*several cat naps along the way
*Size 3 diapers
*eating baby food for every meal- size 2 baby foods- one veggie and one fruit
*you love to play with your brothers
*you ADORE your brothers
*you give Grammy the best kisses- anytime you see her, you grab her face (which hurts by the way) on both sides and pull her so close to you- you open your mouth wide open and lay one on her! PRICELESS!!!!!!! it is amazing and you do it everytime you see her
*This month we celebrated Father's Day- your dad is thrilled to have a daughter to help him celebrate this day!
*We took daddy and grandaddy to PF Changs- YUMMY!!!!
*During that lunch, it was the first time that you set in a high chair- BIG GIRL!!!!!!!
*You are ROLLING Over!!!!Both ways!
*You love your paci
*You love bathtime!
*sometimes you have a hard night and you end up swinging in your swing for the remandier of the night....
*We had your six month pictures taken and they were AMAZING!!!!!!!!!!!!!
*You are adored and loved more than any baby I have ever seen- people fight to hold you and play with you!!!
*Still nursing- you won't even take a bottle! It is such a special time for us!
*You have been swimming in the pool- you love your floats and toys
*You have started to play in your excersaucer
*everything you get in your hands- goes to your mouth!
*you are making the sounds: dadadadada, babababa, mamamamama
*You like to spit your lips together- sometimes there is food in there- watch out!

Thursday, May 6, 2010

5th day of the 5th Month and I am 5 months old!

Today, (OK, actually yesterday) Addie Grace turned 5 months old! This last month has been a fun month exploring new things with her. You have started eating 3 meals of baby food a day! First reaction, not so favorable, but you have grown to love eating the fruits! Still trying to choke down the veggies! For breakfast, we mix oatmeal into either bannana, pear or applesauce baby food! For lunch, we serve a fruit and a veggie- you usually finish the fruit and about 1/2 of the veggie. Then for dinner, we serve the rest of the veggie and another fruit!!! You are still nursing and loving it! CRAZY!!!!!!!!!! You are taking a regular monring nap, a nap on the way to carpool, a great late afternoon nap and a cat nap in the evenings! We have seen two nights of sleeping through the night (no feedings) this week! I see the light at the end of the tunnel! You are so amazing and sweet that we would and will get up as often as needed :) You have started to play with toys- you love to put them all in your mouth! BUT the latest and greatest discovery for you is your toes!!! You love them!!!!! Teething has begun....you are constantly gnawing on anything you can get your hands on! That even includes all fingers that come near your mouth! You really love to chew on Sully!!You have the best little giggle! When you tickled- you will laugh from the tip of your toes to deep in your belly! Your face lights up with excitement and those hands start shaking!!! It is precious!!!